Bed Bugs are a Metaphor for Real Estate Agents - Kate

I found a beautiful bedsit in Potts Point and before I moved in I cleaned every inch of the tiny apartment taking photos with my digital camera as I cleaned to include in the condition report. There were inbuilt cupboards where I cleaned what I figured were cockroach poop, in fact it turned out that bed bugs and cockroaches are good neighbours and coexist in the same habitats as they are not competing for food and the brown stains included bed bug droppings as well as tiny dead bugs squashed between where the door meets the cupboard. 

Bed bug droppings differ slightly to cockroach poop. Bed bugs leave a rust coloured poop stained from the mostly human blood they suck and while one is rounded the other loops up. I had the photographs analysed by the scientists at a Western Suburbs hospital laboratory. I had to pay for the privilege but I was determined to prove I had not brought the bed bugs with me nor had "someone sleeping in my bed dropped them there" (as was claimed by the agent in a derisive tone). It took all my energy and my focus and gave me a psychosis around parasites such as bed bugs and real estate agents.

She goaded me saying, "Take it to the tribunal, you won't win" so I went followed her advice and took it to the tribunal. Injustice is my trigger and and she pulled it like the jerk she is under her blonde hair and matching pants suit. After the hearing where I had to present my case I was hyperventilating, the stress was exhausting. Two days later, I heard that my case was proven and they had to return my bond intact and pay back all the rent I paid after moving out. I only stayed in the flat two weeks but kept paying rent until the day of the court because if I had stopped paying rent I would not have been given a fair hearing. Embarrassingly I had to couch surf for those weeks. 

Then came the trouble of actually getting the money out of them. If I had gone the legal way I would have had to pay the Sheriff-Bailiff a fee then wait up to 16 weeks to get any action. SOooo, I created a little flyer titled above explaining the issue and distributed them to their office. Although that rattled their cage they were still gripping the money with their tight little fists. I had to get creative and a journalist friend rang Head Office and gave them "right of reply" to my accusations that she was looking to write an article about my stoush with them. hahahahahaha They paid up immediately. 

All I can say is one must FIGHT BACK against unscrupulous money grabbing parasites.

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