A Better Deal For Renters is a site run by the Member For Newtown, Jenny Leong MP, the NSW Greens spokesperson on Housing including Tenancy and Rental issues.
Back in 2018 we were successful in making some amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act, to afford renters some additional protections. However, there is still a lot more that needs to change to make renting a secure form of housing for people.
The COVID-10 pandemic has brought the need for secure housing into sharp focus. Many thousands of people, who have suddenly found themselves without work are being expected to rack up tens of thousands of dollars in rent debt, to guarantee an investment made by landlords. It is not fair for those with the least capacity to be saddled with all the debt from this pandemic.
To see more of Jenny's work in the Electorate of Newtown and across her other portfolio areas, visit jennyleong.org