Organisations that support ending no grounds evictions

Many organisations have said that they support ending to no grounds evictions in NSW, recognising that they put tenants in a precarious position and can be used to end tenancies for unfair reasons.

You'll find a list of organisations calling for an end to no grounds evictions at the bottom of the page.

Tenants Union of NSW:

"...the law offers no security for tenants in New South Wales, because landlords can end a tenancy without needing to give a reason... Further, these provisions actively undermine a tenants’ ability to enforce any of their existing rights.

Community Legal Centres:

"There is always a reason behind ending a tenancy. The law should allow for good reasons, and prevent tenancies ending for bad reasons like discrimination.

Carers NSW:

"A landlord’s entitlement to terminate without grounds only exacerbates the inherent instability of private rental arrangements.

City Futures Research Centre UNSW:

"...only those landlords who use or threaten no-grounds notices for bad reasons, such as retaliation or discrimination, would be disadvantaged.

Legal Aid NSW:

"...the tenant’s basic need for shelter should take some small precedence over the landlords’ desire to make unencumbered decisions about the disposition of their investment. The Act already regulates the ways in which a landlord can deal with property that is subject to a residential tenancy agreement.

Committee for Sydney:

"International jurisdictions have introduced longer minimum or non-fixed term lease arrangements, coupled with specified grounds for termination which provide more stability and certainty for both tenants and landlords.

Shelter NSW:

" is the provisions of the Act that allow for “no grounds” termination with notice by landlords that lead to great insecurity for tenants. 

Older Women's Housing and Homelessness Group:

"As it currently stands, long term leases will not necessarily give tenants greater security of tenure. Indeed, private rental housing is legally insecure because landlords may give termination notices without grounds.

 Social Justice Forum of the Uniting Church:

"Fear of “no cause” evictions under Sections 84 and 85 can lead to major additional stresses on renting families, many of whom are in disadvantaged or vulnerable categories

These organisations all support ending no grounds evictions:

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